Fantastisk recension av ”I främmande hamn” i tidskriften ”International Journal of Maritime history”, nr 3 2016. ”This book is recommended to all who study Sweden’s maritime position over the last three centuries and the networks of consuls, entrepreneurs and sailors that have sustained it”.
Viktigt om svenskt civilförsvar
Boken ”Om kriget kommer” får lovord i ”Militärhistorisk Tidskrift”
Topp tre i världen
”Ancient Foodways” is one of the top 3 finalists in the Gourmand Awards for Culinary History. 209 countries are participating with entries in the competition for food culture.
Gourmand World Cookbooks Awards
Ancient foodways – gastronomy in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Luristan and the Muslim world har blivit utnämnd till bästa svenska kulinariska historiska bok 2016 av Gourmand World Cookbooks Awards.