Fantastisk recension av ”I främmande hamn” i tidskriften ”International Journal of Maritime history”, nr 3 2016. ”This book is recommended to all who study Sweden’s maritime position over the last three centuries and the networks of consuls, entrepreneurs and sailors that have sustained it”.
Author: christerisell
Viktigt om svenskt civilförsvar
Boken ”Om kriget kommer” får lovord i ”Militärhistorisk Tidskrift”
Topp tre i världen
”Ancient Foodways” is one of the top 3 finalists in the Gourmand Awards for Culinary History. 209 countries are participating with entries in the competition for food culture.
Gourmand World Cookbooks Awards
Ancient foodways – gastronomy in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Luristan and the Muslim world har blivit utnämnd till bästa svenska kulinariska historiska bok 2016 av Gourmand World Cookbooks Awards.