The choice of foods and beverage (gastronomy is founded very early on in a nation’s or civilisations history. Briefly, factors such as demand, edibility, availability, human senses, philosophical thoughts, geographical and mental barriers, economy, heritage, ideology, social structures, social class, gender, utensils, experiences and sensations all play a vital part in human food choices, in both daily life and on feast days.
A nation’s gastronomy also consists of many different phenomena, so the choices are therefore very complex and never static. Additional complications arise because the relevant factors don’t necessary have the same meaning for all the inhabitants in one geographical area.
Ancient foodways has its focus on the gastronomic man and how the gastronomic man shows in early civilisations and nations. We will follow the foodways of the inhabitants on a daily basis as well as on feast days.
Ancient foodways – gastronomy in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Luristan and the Muslim world har blivit utnämnd till bästa svenska kulinariska historiska bok 2016 av Gourmand World Cookbooks Awards.
Gourmand World Cookbooks Awards är en världsomfattande tävling som grundats av Edouard Cointreau, i år var 209 nationer med och tävlade. Böckerna tävlar först på lokal basis och de vinnande böckerna i respektive kategori går sedan vidare till att tävla om titeln ”Best in the world” i de kategorier de är representerade i. Årets final kommer att vara i maj 2016 i Kina.